Pickup Play
Please check our gym schedule before your trip to HoopDome. If all 4 courts are marked orange, then HoopDome is rented for that time period and NO availability for pick up or member usage; white blocks are open.
HoopDome is the first basketball only multi gymnasium in Toronto. We understand the issues facing basketball players in the city. There is a tremendous lack of availability for pick up play. We want to be recognized as a destination spot for all players.

The Cages
We are excited to bring the "Cages" to HoopDome. HoopDome has 1 half size court designed to give players the look and feel of inner city street ball, without all of the negative elements associated with outdoor basketball. We will not be playing on concrete, and you will be sheltered from all of the harsh elements Torontonians are accustomed to over the course of a year.

Hours of Operation
2 Daily sessions available:
9:00am - 3:00pm
3:30pm - 10:00pm
Playing ends 15min prior to closing times.
General Admission access is for one session. Once you leave you will need to pay to re-enter.
Membership access is for one session per day. Additional sessions are at the General Admission rate.
*No In and Out Privileges*

Facility Rules*
Indoor Shoes Required
Bring your own BALL, no rentals avail.
No in and out privileges
30 min. closure between sessions for cleaning
All entrants must leave at session closure.
Re-entry available for General Admission fee of $17.50
Rules not adhered to will result in removal from the facility with no refunds.
*all rules subject to change at any time*
Court Rules*
Court/Basket access: are shared and avaiable on a first come first serve basis
Courts 1, 2, 3, 4 & Cages available when not booked, check the schedule
Indoor Shoes required
Rules not adhered to will result in removal from the facility with no refunds.
*all rules subject to change at any time*
Entrance Fee - General Admission
(tax included)
1 Session
Drop In Policies
HoopDome is not responsible for any stolen or lost items.
The "CAGES" are almost always available for pickup; however, if the hardwood courts are avialable you may play pickup there as well. Please check our GYM SCHEDULE for availability.
No Outdoor Shoes permitted you must change into Indoor Shoes to play on the Hardwood Courts.
Personal Training
HoopDome does not offer personal training. Any personal trainers using HoopDome's facilities must adhere to the following rules:
No weekend training from October 1st through June 1st
No training during school vacations or holidays i.e. winter and spring breaks, PA/PD days, Family Day, etc.
Training space is only permitted based on court availability
If you require a private basket please rent a court
For further details or clarification please contact Ted, info@hoopdome.com or 416-633-4667
Admission Policy
ADMISSION TO HOOPDOME IS GRANTED AS A PERSONAL LICENSE REVOCABLE AT WILL IN HOOPDOME'S SOLE DISCRETION, AND IS ISSUED PURSUANT TO AND IS SUBJECT TO (A) ALL RULES AND REGULATIONS OF HOOPDOME, (B) THE DIRECTIONS OF HOOPDOME STAFF, AND (C) THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF ANY APPLICABLE HOOPDOME RENTAL OR LICENSE AGREEMENT. HOOPDOME IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR LOST, STOLEN OR DAMAGED PROPERTY. NO ALCOHOL, DRUGS, WEAPONS, LASER PENS, [FOOD, BOTTLES OR CANS] ALLOWED. NO SMOKING IN HOOPDOME AND OTHER AREAS DESIGNATED BY MANAGEMENT. Breach of any of the terms of this license, failure to comply with HoopDome rules or regulations or the directions of HoopDome staff, shall automatically terminate any rights that the licensee may have; shall render illegal and unauthorized the presence of licensee on HoopDome property for any purpose; and shall authorize HoopDome to refuse admission to the facility, or eject the licensee from the facility without refund or other compensation. Breach of any of the terms of this license shall also subject the licensee to all legal remedies available to HoopDome, Downsview Park and their affiliates. HoopDome further reserves the right, without the refund of any portion of the purchase price or other fee, to refuse admission to or eject any person whose conduct is deemed by HoopDome to be disorderly or who uses vulgar or abusive language. The licensee grants permission to HoopDome (and its designees and agents) to utilize the licensee's image, likeness, actions and statements in any live or recorded audio, video, or photographic display or other transmission, exhibition, publication or reproduction made of, or at, HoopDome in any medium or context without further authorization or compensation, for any purpose. ALL LICENSEES VOLUNTARILY ASSUME ALL RISK AND DANGER of personal injury (including death) and all hazards arising from, or related in any way to, their activities and presence at HoopDome, whether occurring prior to, during or after their respective activity or event, howsoever caused and whether by negligence or otherwise. The licensee and the licensee's belongings may be searched upon entry into, or exit from, HoopDome. By entering HoopDome, the licensee consents to such searches and waives any related claims that might arise against HoopDome, its staff or other representatives. If a licensee elects not to consent to these searches, the licensee will be denied entry into HoopDome.
HoopDome may exercise their discretion and refuse entry to any patron, player or spectator.